Physical access to the protected area can be controlled with the installation of automatic barriers, usually referred to as “electric turnstiles”. Our company offers a wide variety of turnstyles depending on the special needs - from medium to high security - as well as on the aesthetics of the area. We offer different types of turnstyles, for indoor or outdoor use, with electrical or mechanical assistance, glass or metal.
We also offer integrated accessories such as lights, message displays, touch, video monitors, etc. Every model is manufactured and tested for compliance with the national and international safety regulations to avoid traps and provide for automatic release in case of emergency. Electric turnstiles are usually operated with access control and / or time attendance systems.
For extra protection, it is also possible to interconnect with CCTV and fire detection systems for the automatic release in case of fire. Finally, we provide a wide range of card accessories and lanyards, cardholders etc for smoother operation of the systems by end users.
+30 210-6148009
Monday – Friday: 08.30-17.00